Showing posts with label Crazy Lady. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Crazy Lady. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Michael Bublé Incites Rage

24 COOOOOOMMENTS! Now you speak up!
[EDIT - November 2016] - I wrote this post years ago, and it still gets a surprising number of reads. I am an asshole, no doubt. This is mindless blather. I've just recently learned that Mr. Buble's son, Noah, an innocent and certainly wonderful little 3 year old boy has been diagnosed with cancer. I extend my actual real sincere heartfelt concern to him and his family at this time. I have a 3 year old, and I can't imagine the agony, fear, sadness and turmoil they must be experiencing. So, yes, I am obviously an asshole with my irrelevant post below, but I hope Noah can overcome this.... as quickly as possible. Make a full recovery and that he will flourish and the family can rest easy. 


Yes, I said it. It's totally irrational, not at all logical, and unclear even to me. But it's true.

The moment I even hear his name uttered, I can feel the hairs raise on the back of my neck (and not in a good way). I cannot change the radio station fast enough when his voice comes on. It makes me blind with rage, for some strange reason.

Exhibit A: MB causing inner rage right now. Probably will never be able to look at this post again. Thanks a lot.

In my mind, I overlap his face with John Mayer which automatically gives him about 90,000 points for douchey-ness. "But Stephanie," you say "he is NOT John Mayer so why punish poor Bublé?". You might also say "Stephanie, don't start sentences with the word BUT".  Who knows, I can't read your minds, people.

Exhibit B: Douchebag Mayer (anyone who hurts Team Aniston is no friend of mine, kids)
 See, not really similar. Except for the douchiness.

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Monday, August 23, 2010

So Many Ideas To Post...

2 COOOOOOMMENTS! Now you speak up!
So I have been paralyzed by the possibilities of what I can write about on this blog (the address of which I have yet to share with family and friends).

Can I talk about THAT thing that pissed me off the other day? If I provided my stream-of-consciousness thinking on that subject, would it only confirm to my nearest and dearest that I am, in fact, undoubtedly, insane? (Well, probably, but perhaps that wouldn't be new anyway)?

I am thinking about my daily experiences wondering if it could potentially make an amusing blog post... then I realize that it probably only seems funny inside my head. Ah well.... the whole point of this thing is to be an outlet for me, to blab on about meaningless things and all that jazz.

First order of business? Shit, I don't know. I TOLD you already, I'm paralyzed by ALL the possibilities.
From here on out I am going to have to force myself to post about whatever pops into my head, good or not, because otherwise I will never get started on this thing.

Maybe my next post should be entitled "procrastination - a how to guide by a seasoned expert"... or something like that. Or you could just read Allie's awesome post about it here. And yes, you're welcome. Pin It Now!