Showing posts with label My Baby The Dictator. Show all posts
Showing posts with label My Baby The Dictator. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

My Baby, The Dictator

7 COOOOOOMMENTS! Now you speak up!
It's true.

She rules with a teeny, tiny iron fist.

There is no negotiating with her, no reasoning - her word is the final word. Er... well, rather her coos, cries and screams are the final coos, cries and screams.

Pleading is futile. Begging will get you nowhere.

She is drunk on power. (Technically "power" means "breast milk" in this instance)

She came into her powerful role by means of excessive force and violence (via my... well, you know).

Just stare into her fierce blue eyes and dare not bow down to her adorableness.

She mocks you by sticking out her tongue.

You are welcome.


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